Dawna Marie & The Slim Pickins
I am an Uxbridge farm girl, born and raised. Brought up in church, I was always surrounded by music. My Mom played the piano, my aunt the organ, and me and my brothers and sisters were always the special music. I was in the choir at school and in my early teens, became an alto in the church choir. We all took piano lessons, and music was the only extra curricular thing we did. I consider music to be a life line for sure. My sanctuary. It has been in the last 10 years that I have felt compelled to write all that is in me. Curiosities, fears, elation, defeat, love etc. I love writing and making music, and in the last 5 years, I have finally found the incredible joy in performing and connecting to the audience. I have felt my confidence bloom despite, the imperfections and flaws. It is real and beautiful to me. I am grateful for local festivals like Springtide for providing a literal stage and means to share exactly who I am. In February I released a 4 song ep and since then have been writing and scheming new songs to go towards a full length. This is all a part and a result of being involved with such a wonderful community of musicians and support through those who come to enjoy the live music.